NATSPEC National BIM Guide

The 2022 NATSPEC National BIM Guide is a suite of documents that facilitate nationally consistent BIM implementation. They represent a substantial resource for anyone planning a project based on BIM and collaborative work practices such as Integrated Project Delivery (IPD).

Main differences between the 2022 edition of the Guide and the previous one:

  • Restructure: The core Guide document is now aimed largely at those in executive and management roles. It introduces key BIM concepts and principles and focuses on the strategic and managerial aspects of BIM implementation. Detailed technical content has been relocated to the Appendices and Templates.
  • AS ISO 19650 alignment: The Guide now incorporates concepts, principles and terminology found in AS ISO 19650.

Main elements of the Guide:

  • NATSPEC National BIM Guide: The core document covers general strategic and managerial aspects of BIM implementation.
  • Appendices: Reference documents providing more detailed information and guidance on topics found in the Guide.
  • Templates: Documents used to implement BIM on projects. They are edited to document project-specific requirements. All templates include guidance for their use throughout.

Descriptions of individual documents are provided below.

Zip folder of all current National BIM Guide documents [7.28MB]     Download

Or download individual documents:

NATSPEC National BIM Guide

NATSPEC National BIM Guide

Covers topics including:

  • Key AS ISO 19650 concepts and principles.
  • General implementation considerations.
  • Information management practice.
  • Modelling practice.
  • BIM uses and deliverables.
  • Technology and project infrastructure to support BIM.

National BIM Guide  [5.2 MB]     Download

Appendix A - Glossary

Appendix A Glossary cover 2022 09 210x304pxIncludes definitions and explanations of terms and abbreviations used in the Guide.



Appendix A [3.6 MB]     Download

Appendix B - AS ISO 19650 Resources Descriptions

Appendix B AS ISO 19650 resources cover 2022 09 298x304Includes brief descriptions of documents and resources that support the information management processes described in AS ISO 19650.


Appendix B [3.9 MB]     Download

Appendix C - BIM Use & Enabler Descriptions

Appendix C BIM use descriptions cover 2022 09 210x304pxIncludes descriptions of BIM uses and enablers including their potential value, scope considerations and useful references that can be used as a resource when selecting appropriate BIM uses on a project.


Appendix C [4.1 MB]     Download


Appendix D - Defining Information Requirements

Appendix C BIM use descriptions cover 2022 09 210x304pxIncludes guidance and resources for using the following templates to specify information requirements:

  • Asset Information Requirements (AIR) Template.
  • Project Information Requirements (PIR) Template.
  • Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) Template.

Appendix D [4.3 MB]     Download


NATSPEC BIM Execution Plan (BEP) templates and AIR, EIR, PIR and Project BIM Brief templates can be downloaded from this page